Basque Research and Technology Alliance

We are part of BRTA (Basque Research and Technology Alliance), established by the Basque Government, SPRI, Regional Governments and Technological Centres, which has the main function of responding to the technological and industrial challenges in the Basque Country and improving awareness of the centre at international level.

BRTA is a Consortium which promotes the coordination of technological agents who are members of the alliance; it aligns and makes their activities compatible; it strengthens conditions to generate and transmit knowledge to businesses; and it gives projection in the technological field, through its own international brand.

Basque Research and Technology Alliance

We are founding members of, the main international network of applied research centres in computer graphics, multimedia technologies and visual interaction technologies is an international organisation which coordinates research and development (R&D) activities, the transfer of technology and the use of computer graphics, multi-modal multimedia technologies, and technologies for digital interactive and 3D visual media for video. is open to international R&D institutes (public and private), to R&D departments of multinational businesses and to high technology transfer businesses.

With its headquarters in Kaiserslautern, Germany, highlights among its services include the preparation of studies for ICT policies, consultancy for bootstrapping applied to R&D institutions, the international transfer of technology and virtual incubation.

The members of the Advisory Board are international experts who work to promote contact between and other members of the scientific and industrial community, as well as of the public sector.


Technological Collaborations


Aims to evolve, test and promote next generation cellular and wireless technology-based communications solutions

Basque Artificial Intelligence Center

The Basque Artificial Intelligence Centre was created to tackle one of the greatest technological and social challenges in our history with a public-private collaboration space for the promotion of AI in the Basque Country.

Industrial Dataspaces

With the establishment of the International Data Spaces Association, business and research take an active part in designing a trustworthy architecture for the data economy. 

Alliance for IoT and Edge Computing Innovation

AIOTI was initiated in 2016 to contribute to the creation of a dynamic European IoT ecosystem and speed up the take up of IoT.  Our members include key European IoT players, as well as research centres, universities and associations.

The European Machine Vision Association- EMVA

 Is a non-for-profit and non-commercial association representing the Machine Vision industry in Europe. 

5G Infrastructure Public Private Partnership

The 5G Infrastructure Public Private Partnership (5G PPP) is a joint initiative between the European Commission and European ICT industry (ICT manufacturers, telecommunications operators, service providers, SMEs and researcher Institutions).


The only truly Europe-wide professional Computer Graphics association. It supports its members in advancing the state of the art in Computer Graphics and related fields such as Multimedia, Scientific Visualisation and Human Computer Interfaces.


The mission of the BDVA is to develop the Innovation Ecosystem that will enable the data and AI-driven digital transformation in Europe delivering maximum economic and societal benefit.


Innobasque is the Basque Agency of Innovation: promoting innovation in the Basque Country. Its mission is to “promote, in collaboration with other agents, the development of innovation from our position as outstanding agent of the Basque Network of Sci


The Web3D Consortium is a non-profit group open to industry, academic, government and individual members. It is committed to the creation and deployment of open, royalty-free standards that enable the communication of real-time 3D.


EARTO promotes RTOs and represents their interest in Europe. The network counts over 350 RTOs in more than 20 countries. EARTO members represents 150.000 of highly-skilled researchers and engineers managing a wide range of innovation infrastructures


Public foundation whose founding aim is to promote scientific investigation of excellence as well as development and innovation by creating favourable conditions for agents involved in R&D&i activities.

Sectorial Collaborations

Digital Energy & Environment

Energy Cluster

The Energy Cluster of the Basque Country (ACE) is a non-profit association set up at the end of 1996 within the framework of the Basque Government's policy of promoting the competitiveness of the industrial fabric. It currently comprises 180 companies and entities: energy operators, equipment and component manufacturers, engineering companies, service companies, as well as agents of the Basque Science, Technology and Innovation Network and public agencies of the Basque Government.


Spanish Energy Club

Meeting point and reference forum on energy matters that facilitates the debate and dissemination of ideas, the study of subjects and the exchange of experiences, in relation to the most rational use of energy in its different modalities

Global Smart Grids Innovation Hub from Iberdrola

We are part of the global innovation and knowledge center, a worldwide benchmark for smart grids. We apply knowledge in applied research in digital technologies and respond to the challenges of the energy transition.

GAIA-X: A Federated Data Infrastructure for Europe

Representatives from business, science and politics of Europe create a proposal for the next generation of a European data infrastructure: a secure, federated system that meets the highest standards of digital sovereignty while promoting innovation


The Association of Electronic Technologies and Information Industries of the Basque Country, comprising more than 200 companies offering products and services in the fields of electronics, information technology and telecommunications.


We are part of the managing assembly of the R&D&i unit of AMETIC, the Association of Electronic, Information technology, Telecommunications and Digital Content Businesses, with more than 5,000 member companies.

Manufacturing and Process Industry


Strengthens the competitiveness of SMEs in Nouvelle Aquitaine / Euskadi / Navarra through cross-border collaboration and the involvement of clusters, technology centers and economic development agencies in the Euroregion.

Basque Artificial Intelligence Center

The Basque Artificial Intelligence Centre was created to tackle one of the greatest technological and social challenges in our history with a public-private collaboration space for the promotion of AI in the Basque Country.

GAIA-X: A Federated Data Infrastructure for Europe

Representatives from business, science and politics of Europe create a proposal for the next generation of a European data infrastructure: a secure, federated system that meets the highest standards of digital sovereignty while promoting innovation


The SFKL technology initiative was established as a non-profit organization in 2005, bringing together for the first time industrial and research partners in a network to implement joint Industry 4.0 projects for the factories of the future.&

Basque Automotive Cluster

Organización que tiene como misión dinamizar el sector vasco de automoción, posibilitando la cooperación entre las empresas vascas para poder dar una respuesta conjunta a los grandes retos que el sector presenta. Considerado primer cluster europeo


The Spanish Association of Automotive Suppliers has the aim of acting as a spokesperson for the sector, a leading contact and meeting and networking point for all types of member countries.


Spanish Railway Association. Carries out activities and provides services aimed at promoting greater importance for the companies in the sector


LT-Innovate is the Language Technology Industry Association. Language Technology makes the world intelligent, multilingual and interactive.


The Association of Electronic Technologies and Information Industries of the Basque Country, comprising more than 200 companies offering products and services in the fields of electronics, information technology and telecommunications.


We are part of the managing assembly of the R&D&i unit of AMETIC, the Association of Electronic, Information technology, Telecommunications and Digital Content Businesses, with more than 5,000 member companies.


Advanced Manufacturing Technologies, the Spanish Association of Manufacturers of Machine Tools, Accessories, Components and Tools, represents 90% of the existing Machine Tool and advanced manufacture technology companies in Spain.

Smart Mobility


A workspace where innovation projects are articulated and carried out among the partners, without excluding the possibility of collaborating with or receiving support from certain organisations outside Logistop

Basque Artificial Intelligence Center

The Basque Artificial Intelligence Centre was created to tackle one of the greatest technological and social challenges in our history with a public-private collaboration space for the promotion of AI in the Basque Country.

GAIA-X: A Federated Data Infrastructure for Europe

Representatives from business, science and politics of Europe create a proposal for the next generation of a European data infrastructure: a secure, federated system that meets the highest standards of digital sovereignty while promoting innovation

European Automotive Research Partners Association

Founded in 2002, EARPA is the association of automotive R&D organisations. It brings together the most prominent independent R&D providers in the automotive sector throughout Europe.

Association for Standardization of Automation and Measuring Systems

We pursue the vision that tools of a development process chain can be freely interconnected and data can be seamlessly exchanged. Focuses on standardizing the data exchanges between the many tools used in the process to develop and validate vehicles.</

Basque Automotive Cluster

Organización que tiene como misión dinamizar el sector vasco de automoción, posibilitando la cooperación entre las empresas vascas para poder dar una respuesta conjunta a los grandes retos que el sector presenta. Considerado primer cluster europeo


Private partnership of 120 companies and organisations representing service providers, suppliers, traffic and transport industry, research, public authorities, user organisations, mobile network operators, and vehicle manufacturers.


The Spanish Association of Automotive Suppliers has the aim of acting as a spokesperson for the sector, a leading contact and meeting and networking point for all types of member countries.


Spanish Automotive and Mobility Technology Platform, whose aim is to serve as an instrument of development and monitoring of initiatives between the different agents involved in the innovation chain of the sector in Spain.


Spanish Railway Association. Carries out activities and provides services aimed at promoting greater importance for the companies in the sector


The Association of Electronic Technologies and Information Industries of the Basque Country, comprising more than 200 companies offering products and services in the fields of electronics, information technology and telecommunications.


The Cluster of Mobility and Logistics, MLC ITS Euskadi, aims to favour the competitiveness of its members working in Logistics and Supply Chain, Infrastructures and Mobility matters, whether of people or goods.


We are part of the managing assembly of the R&D&i unit of AMETIC, the Association of Electronic, Information technology, Telecommunications and Digital Content Businesses, with more than 5,000 member companies.

eHealth and Wellbeing

Asociación Española de Bioempresas

It brings together and represents the interests of companies, associations, foundations, universities and technology and research centres that carry out activities in the field of biotechnology in Spain.


Strengthens the competitiveness of SMEs in Nouvelle Aquitaine / Euskadi / Navarra through cross-border collaboration and the involvement of clusters, technology centers and economic development agencies in the Euroregion.

Basque Artificial Intelligence Center

The Basque Artificial Intelligence Centre was created to tackle one of the greatest technological and social challenges in our history with a public-private collaboration space for the promotion of AI in the Basque Country.

GAIA-X: A Federated Data Infrastructure for Europe

Representatives from business, science and politics of Europe create a proposal for the next generation of a European data infrastructure: a secure, federated system that meets the highest standards of digital sovereignty while promoting innovation


The Institute of Health Research of the Basque Country promotes  patient-focused translational research, giving coverage to all research carried out in the historical territory of Gipuzkoa within the area of Osakidetza.


The mission is to promote the Universal Remote Console and associated standards and its application. Effective, intuitive, pervasive and personalised User Interfaces will largely determine the shape of technological products in the future.


The Association of Electronic Technologies and Information Industries of the Basque Country, comprising more than 200 companies offering products and services in the fields of electronics, information technology and telecommunications.


Basque Health Cluster is a non-profit association whose aim is to contribute to the development, growth and internationalisation of its associates and the bioscience and health sectors in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country.


Association for the Promotion of Social Technology seeking to respond to social challenges via Social Design and Social Technology. They work in the field of well-being and trust.


We are part of the managing assembly of the R&D&i unit of AMETIC, the Association of Electronic, Information technology, Telecommunications and Digital Content Businesses, with more than 5,000 member companies.


Ticbiomed is a business association to promote digital health at Spanish and European level. We facilitate agreements, based on open innovation, between different agents in the ecosystem.


The Technological Platform Food For Life-Spain (PTF4LS) is a space which aims to invigorate research, development and innovation (R&D&i) in the Food and Drink Industry by means of the dissemination of existing knowledge and opportunities.

Digital Security


Association representing the Cybersecurity Industries of the Basque Country, promotes collaboration with other sectors and fosters the development of new products/services, technologies and markets.

European Anti-Cybercrime Technology Development Association

Develop technological solutions for European Law Enforcement Agencies and Forensic Laboratories to use them in their fight against crime.


Basque Artificial Intelligence Center

The Basque Artificial Intelligence Centre was created to tackle one of the greatest technological and social challenges in our history with a public-private collaboration space for the promotion of AI in the Basque Country.

European Cyber Security Organisation

ECSO ASBL is a fully self-financed non-for-profit organisation under the Belgian law, established in June 2016. Is the private counterpart to the European Commission in implementing the contractual Public-Private Partnership on cybersecurity.

Basque Digital Innovation Hub

Connected network of advanced manufacturing assets and services Infrastructure for training, research, testing and validation available for companies.

Basque Cybersecurity Centre

is a connected network of advanced manufacturing assets and services Infrastructure for training, research, testing and validation available for companies, with the capacity to offer knowledge and concrete services in different areas such as Additive M


The Spanish Association of Automotive Suppliers has the aim of acting as a spokesperson for the sector, a leading contact and meeting and networking point for all types of member countries.


The Association of Electronic Technologies and Information Industries of the Basque Country, comprising more than 200 companies offering products and services in the fields of electronics, information technology and telecommunications.


We are part of the managing assembly of the R&D&i unit of AMETIC, the Association of Electronic, Information technology, Telecommunications and Digital Content Businesses, with more than 5,000 member companies.

ICTs and Media

Basque Artificial Intelligence Center

The Basque Artificial Intelligence Centre was created to tackle one of the greatest technological and social challenges in our history with a public-private collaboration space for the promotion of AI in the Basque Country.

Networked Electronic Media

It was established as one of the European Technology Platform, aiming at fostering the convergence between consumer electronics, broadcasting and telecoms in order to develop the emerging business sector of networked and electronic media.

Sociedad Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural

The SEPLN is a non-profit organization constituted by long-standing partners and institutions which was created in the year 1983 and whose purpose is to promote and divulge every kind of activity related to teaching, research and development in the nat


The Spanish Association of Automotive Suppliers has the aim of acting as a spokesperson for the sector, a leading contact and meeting and networking point for all types of member countries.


The Thematic Network of Speech Technologies is a mutual forum where researchers in Speech Technology can combine their strengths and share experiences.


META-NET, a Network of Excellence made up of 60 centres in 34 countries, devoted to creating the technological bases of the European multilingual Information Society. META-NET is building META, the European Multilingual Technology Alliance.


LT-Innovate is the Language Technology Industry Association. Language Technology makes the world intelligent, multilingual and interactive.


Business Association of the Language Industries sector in the Basque Country. Its aim is to promote, strengthen and make cohesive the Language Industry in the Basque Country, thus improving the competitiveness and awareness of the member companies.


The Association of Electronic Technologies and Information Industries of the Basque Country, comprising more than 200 companies offering products and services in the fields of electronics, information technology and telecommunications.


We are part of the managing assembly of the R&D&i unit of AMETIC, the Association of Electronic, Information technology, Telecommunications and Digital Content Businesses, with more than 5,000 member companies.


Ticbiomed is a business association to promote digital health at Spanish and European level. We facilitate agreements, based on open innovation, between different agents in the ecosystem.


Parque Científico y Tecnológico de Gipuzkoa,
Paseo Mikeletegi 57,
20009 Donostia / San Sebastián (Spain)

+(34) 943 309 230

Zorrotzaurreko Erribera 2, Deusto,
48014 Bilbao (Spain)

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