Digital Energy & Environment
We provide intelligence to the systems and processes related to the generation, transformation, transport, storage, distribution, and sale of energy.
We contribute to the digitalization process of the energy sector, applying our technology and knowledge throughout the value chain. Our highly innovative solutions favor the optimization of operations, security, and the environment.
Success story
We can also help your business.

Success story
We can also help your business.

Sectorial Collaborations

Energy Cluster
The Energy Cluster of the Basque Country (ACE) is a non-profit association set up at the end of 1996 within the framework of the Basque Government's policy of promoting the competitiveness of the industrial fabric. It currently comprises 180 companies and entities: energy operators, equipment and component manufacturers, engineering companies, service companies, as well as agents of the Basque Science, Technology and Innovation Network and public agencies of the Basque Government.

Spanish Energy Club
Meeting point and reference forum on energy matters that facilitates the debate and dissemination of ideas, the study of subjects and the exchange of experiences, in relation to the most rational use of energy in its different modalities

Global Smart Grids Innovation Hub from Iberdrola
We are part of the global innovation and knowledge center, a worldwide benchmark for smart grids. We apply knowledge in applied research in digital technologies and respond to the challenges of the energy transition.

GAIA-X: A Federated Data Infrastructure for Europe
Representatives from business, science and politics of Europe create a proposal for the next generation of a European data infrastructure: a secure, federated system that meets the highest standards of digital sovereignty while promoting innovation

The Association of Electronic Technologies and Information Industries of the Basque Country, comprising more than 200 companies offering products and services in the fields of electronics, information technology and telecommunications.

We are part of the managing assembly of the R&D&i unit of AMETIC, the Association of Electronic, Information technology, Telecommunications and Digital Content Businesses, with more than 5,000 member companies.
Looking for support for your next project? Contact us, we are looking forward to helping you.