Smart power grids
Digital Energy & Environment
We generate technological solutions that allow to anticipate possible incidents and improve the quality of service for consumers.

We facilitate the digitalisation of distribution networks, optimizing their maintenance tasks and enabling technological change in their management, given the growth of distributed generation, recharging infrastructures and electric vehicles.
• High and medium voltage networks can be operated autonomously, with systems that make their own decisions based on the state of the network and the reading of alarms, reducing response times to incidents.
• The management of supply and demand in the Operation Centers requires intelligent tools that optimize the planning and maintenance processes of the low voltage networks.
• Our technologies allow the automation of electrical substations, through inspection and supervision systems and the monitoring of field work thanks to language and voice technologies. All this can be orchestrated through multi-screen service platforms for collaborative environments.
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Workshop Challenges and opportunities of AI in the energy sector
February 9, 2023, Auditorium of the BAT tower, Bilbao, from 10:00 a.m. at 3:00 p.m.

Vicomtech applies artificial intelligence models in the digitization of the energy sector
Machine Learning technology is already used in some companies for customer segmentation, price forecasting, or fraud detection. In addition, artificial intelligence algorithms improve the cybersecurity of critical infrastructures and the confidentiality of data.
Looking for support for your next project? Contact us, we are looking forward to helping you.