Image and Voice Biometrics
Digital Security
Our technology allows the combination of different biometric dimensions to generate new solutions.

We have proprietary technology for the development of advanced solutions which require the identification of people based on their physical appearance or their voice. We have applied this technology in the following fields:
- Processes of identification and control of physical access
- Systems for quantifying presence, access metrics, heat maps
- Control of access to web tools or services (e.g., proctoring)
- Support for mechanisms for digital payment or contracts
- Sensors for smart business
- Noteworthy Projects
- Related News

Nerea and Mikel, the synthetic voices generated from Vicomtech with Artificial Intelligence for Eusko Jaurlaritza - Basque Government
The Basque Government presented last December 3rd the synthetic voice of Nerea during the commemorative event of the International Day of the Basque Language.

DEEP FAKE real cases. Generation and detection of synthetic image and voice through AI
31st March, Thursday at 16:00. Ensanche Building, Bilbao

EKIN, a natural language voice solution for industrial maintenance
Within the framework of the Ekin Project, coordinated by Vicomtech, professors and students of the IMH Campus of Advanced and Digital Manufacturing meet to evaluate a set of problems/situations related to the maintenance of robots through interaction solutions in natural language by voice .

Companies and Administrations present use cases of Artificial Intelligence and Language Technologies developed by Vicomtech
The conference organised with the support of Bilbao Ekintza is the first of a series of 7 events related to the application of Artificial Intelligence solutions aimed at companies from different sectors, to bring Vicomtech's capabilities closer to companies in the area and to learn about their technology and digitization needs.
Looking for support for your next project? Contact us, we are looking forward to helping you.