Eider Sánchez: Doctoral dissertation defence “Semantically steered Clinical Decision Support Systems”

Eider Sánchez, researcher at the eHealth and Biomedical Applications department of Vicomtech-IK4, has recently defended her doctoral dissertation “Semantically steered Clinical Decision Support Systems” to apply for the doctor title. The defence was made in the IT Faculty of the University of the Basque Country.
This doctoral dissertation work is focused in providing methodologies to improve Clinical Decision Support Systems by supplying tools that will help doctors make a better decision. From the institutional point of view, it is expected to reduce medication errors, to improve medical attention to patients and to increase their attention.
The main methodological contributions are:
- Use of pre-cached knowledge.
- Generation of a new architecture for support systems that permits making decisions.
- Persistence of knowledge throughout the life-cycle of the clinical decision by the re-use of the doctor’s decisional experience.
The proposed methodologies have been mainly applied in two fields: early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease, and comprehensive approach of breast cancer.
Apart from the health department in which this research has been focused, the results can also be applied to other areas, such as the Industry and Advanced Manufacturing department.
For further information: http://bit.ly/1wvMJQr