Language technology: a new opportunity for Basque companies for research and innovation strategies in smart specialization. 21st of May 2015. Gipuzkoa Technology Park (Miramón)

The registration for LT Solutions is already open, the first workshop in Spain about the Language Technology applicability in the strategic sectors of Euskadi. The registration for LT Solutions - Language technology: a new opportunity for Basque companies for research and innovation strategies in smart specialization is already open. The workshop will be held in Donostia-San Sebastián (Spain) on 21st of May 2015.
The program will consist of a combination of a number of outstanding invited speakers and four networking sessions. The aim of the workshop is to analyse the applications of Language Technologies applied to Advanced Manufacturing, Energy, Health and Tourism and to boost project ideas related to these topics. Attendance will be limited. Deadline for registration: 14th of May 2015. Registration.
The workshop provides an International, National and Regional forum to:
- Analyse Language Technology applications
- Discuss project experiences
- Discuss innovative ideas and present results from ongoing research
- Stimulate interdisciplinary thinking between Language Technologies and the key RIS3 strategic sectors of the Basque Country
- Identify subjects requiring more research effort that could become in project ideas
Additional information on the workshop could be found at
Event organised by Langune and Vicomtech-IK4.
deas innovadoras y presentar resultados de los proyectos que estén en marcha - Estimular la interdisciplinariedad entre las Tecnologías de la Lengua y los sectores clave de RIS3 en Euskadi
- Identificar las temáticas que requieran más investigación para así convertirlas en ideas de proyectos
Para más información acerca del evento
Evento organizado por Langune y Vicomtech-IK4.