TERMAGAL, a project which increases the value of the Galician thermal facilities

On 10th of July TERMAGAL has been presented in Lugo. It is a software for the medical history standardisation and management in spas. This project wherein several organisations have collaborated, such as the Axencia de Turismo de Galicia and the applied research centre Vicomtech-IK4, answers to the interest of the Galician thermal sector to increase the value of their health services.
TERMAGAL is an innovative computer tool created to standardise the medical assistance processes in spas, allowing the medical staff to get a better knowledge of the client. This tool gives the opportunity to segment the client more effectively and to offer more personalised services.
Thanks to TERMAGAL the patient will enjoy a stay adapted to his/her specific needs and personal tastes, adapted physical and entertaining activities and even recommendations about the way to improve his/her lifestyle.
Maria Teresa Linaza, the director of e-Tourism and Cultural Heritage department of Vicomtech-IK4 has taken part in this workshop where she has showed their contribution in the design and implementation of the applications for the creation of interactive digital experiences which provide an added value to the services offered by the companies.
This workshop has been co-funded by Igape, Xunta de Galicia and the European Social Fund.
For more information: www.balneariosdegalicia.gal/presentacion-termagal.html