Vicomtech-IK4 presents multi-screen systems for multimedia content in IBC 2015 in Amsterdam from 11th to 15th of September

Vicomtech-IK4 has been selected by Future Zone to show the technology developed in teh MediaScape FP7 project. The aim of the project is to develop web standads for multimedia services creation, management and delivery with multi-screen and multi-user solutions.
IBC is the world's leading event about digital media and entertainment industry that brings together more than 55.000 delegates from more than 170 countries during 5 days in Amsterdam.
The Future Zone contains exhibitors with cutting edge projects and prototypes from the world's leading R&D labs and universities. The IBC Future Zone is a portal to view the future strategic lines of the technology.
BBC and IRT (MediaScape project members), will show other results of the project in the EBU booth (European Broadcasting Union).
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