Best paper award in the International Conference on Innovation in Medicine and Healthcare hold in Kyoto from 11th to 12th September

Dr. Eider Sánchez, researcher in Vicomtech-IK4, was awarded for the best article in the 3rd International Conference on Innovation in Medicine and Healthcare hold in Kyoto from 11th to 12th September. The paper "Integrating Electronic Health Records in Clinical Decision Support Systems" by doctors Eider Sánchez and Carlos Toro (Vicomtech-IK4) together with Prof. Manuel Graña (Computational Intelligence Group, UPV) is focused on the secondary use of medical history systems and suggests the reuse of the implicit knowledge embedded in it in order to improve the knowledge on the mechanisms of a disease and/or the effectiveness of the treatments. The registered data in the medical history, reflects implicitly different clinical decisions made by the clinical professionals and their context (e.g. criteria followed during decision making, patient parameters taken into account, effect of the prescribed treatments). In this research work the authors propose a methodology that allows the management of electronic medical history not only as data containers, but also as clinical knowledge repositories. They present an architecture for the extraction of the knowledge from medical history and a methodology to feed support systems with this knowledge for clinical decisions, in a way that could render benefits for the decision making of medical professionals, health managers and medical researchers.
The third edition of this International Conference taken place in Kyoto, gathered researchers and engineers, managers, students and practitioners from the medical area, to discuss the ways that innovation and knowledge exchange can be applied to issues relating to medicine, surgery, healthcare and ageing population.