K4 and Donostia-San Sebastian City Council are organising a symposium to “demystify R&D&i” on 29th October. Registration open!

Through Fomento San Sebastián, the IK4 R&D Alliance and Donostia-San Sebastian City Council have organised asymposium on “Demystifying R&D&i” to be held at the Carlos Santamaría Centre of the UPV/EHU-University of the Basque Country on 29 October.The initiative, geared towards managers of enterprises or heads of technical departments, mainly SMEs, is part of "DonostiaWeekinn" (innovation week), being organised by the City Council from 26 to 30 October.
The symposium has its starting point in the reflection made by the organisers that there is considerable ignorance regarding what it actuallymeans to implementR&D&i activities, which players are involved, how to go about it and its implications and consequences for companies.
To address all this, the event will be endeavouring to “bring” all these concepts “down to earth” and make them comprehensible for anyone in a simple, accessible way by identifying guidelines and good and bad practices.
So those attending will be able to hear directly about the actual experiences of three companies: GrupoCondesa, DinyconSistemas and GrupoGeka, and get the perspective of the R&D centres from Juan Otegi, IK4’s Head of Marketing.
The R&D Alliance will be seeking to transmit to the attendees the message that technological development is within reach of any enterprise that is interested and which has a forward-looking approach, and that there are mechanisms within reach to achieve competitive advantages based on innovation.
Tel.: 943 48 28 00
mail: fomentoss@donostia.eus