Visual Computing as a Key Enabling Technology for Industrie 4.0 and Industrial Internet

Posada, J.; Toro, C.; Barandiaran, I.; Oyarzun D.; Stricker D.; De Amicis R.; Pinto, E.B.; Eisert, P.; Dollner, J.; Vallarino, I.
This scientific research paper led by Dr. Jorge Posada from Vicomtech-IK4, was published by IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications in March 2015 and was one of the top 6 most downloaded articles in December 2015. By the end of the year, 749 people had downloaded it from the IEEE Xplore Digital Library which remarks the increasing interest in visual computing applied to Industrie 4.0.
A worldwide movement in advanced manufacturing countries is seeking to reinvigorate (and revolutionize) the industrial and manufacturing core competencies with the use of the latest advances in information and communications technoologies. Visual computing plays an important role in this vision as an enabling technology for complete solutions.
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