Best paper award in the 4th International Conference on Innovation in Medicine and Healthcare (Tenerife, 15th - 17th June)

Naiara Muro Amuchastegui, researcher in Vicomtech-IK4, was awarded for the best article in the 4th International Conference on Innovation in Medicine and Healthcare hold in Tenerife from 15th to 17th June. The paper "Hygehos Ontology for Electronic Health Records" by Naiara Muro Amuchastegui and doctors Eider Sánchez Herrero and Eduardo Carrasco (Vicomtech-IK4) together with Prof. Manuel Graña (Computational Intelligence Group, UPV) and Fran Manzano (Igarle) and Jose María Susperregi, Agustín Agirre and Jesús Gómez (La Asunción Clinic) is focused on the extraction of knowledge from the clinical information stored in the Hygehos EHR (Electronic Health Record) for secondary uses by mapping it into an ontology, called Hygehos ontology.
Current approaches based on Dual Model standards, which separates the information structured in a Reference Model from the knowledge structured in an Archetype Model, do not provide a complete solution regarding content structuration limitation. By the use of ontologies on the EHR system the development of reasoning and knowledge extraction tools over the stored clinical information will be facilitated. In this research work the authors propose an alignment of the Hygehos EHR to the dual model of OpenEHR and generate the corresponding archetypes for every part of the system. Secondly, they have formalized a methodology for structuring the clinical contents of Hygehos EHR into the Hygehos Ontology.
The fourth edition of this International Conference taken place in Tenerife, gathered researchers and engineers, managers, students and practitioners from the medical area, to discuss the ways that innovation and knowledge exchange can be applied to issues relating to medicine, surgery, healthcare and ageing population.
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