Vicomtech-IK4 collaborates with the strategy Basque Industry 4.0 of the Basque Government at the European Industry fair at Hannover Messe from 24th to 28th April

This fair at Hannover Messe has established as a referent within the industrial sector worldwide, and has hence become in the past years the main showcase of the so-called “Industry 4.0”.
The Basque Industry 4.0 strategy of the Economic Development and Infrastructure Department of the Basque Government will be present at the Hannover Messe 2017 fair with a stand at Halle 8 (Industrial Automation and Industry 4.0), they will launch this strategy with the collaboration of Vicomtech-IK4 amongst others.
Throughout the week Basque clusters, universities and technology centres will give various presentations, and they will also show materials and set a virtual room. These activities will show subjects that are already in use in Basque industry and companies.
Vicomtech-IK4 will give 2 speeches and will make a demo at the institutional stand. The first speech will be given by Dr. Jorge Posada, Associate Director of the centre, on 26th April at 10:30 am at Halle 8 stand A36 and it is entitled “Visual Computing as a Key Enabling Technology for Industrie 4.0 and Industrial Internet”. The second one will be presented by Dr. Iñigo Barandiaran, Director of Industry and Advanced Manufacturing, on April 26th at 14:00 at the same place, and it is entitled “Towards Zero Defect Manufacturing through 3D Reconstruction”. All day long on 26th April the “3D Scanner for Inprocess Dimensional Inspection” demo will be shown, which has been developed in collaboration with the Basque company Sariki and which is based on Vicomtech-IK4’s own technology.
This fair covers a wide range of subjects, including amongst others Industrial Automation and ICT, R&D, Industry Supply, Production Engineering and Services, Energy and Environment.