Vicomtech-IK4 participates with two sessions and a round-table at ITS European Congress 2017

As we did in previous editions, Vicomtech-IK4 participates in ITS European Congress 2017 in Strasbourg (France).
Dr. Oihana Otaegui, Director of Intelligent Transport Systems and Engineering, participates in two official sessions. The first one is entitled “Driver Status Monitoring using Computer Vision” and it will be presented on June 20th from 11:00 to 12:30 in room “Berlin” under PR01 – Training needs on new technologies for fleet managers and drivers.
The second one is called “inLane: Lane Level Navigation Application”, and it will be presented on June 20th from 14:00 to 15:30 in room “Bruxelles” under SIS16 – Exploiting computer vision and GNSS applications for ADAS and digital cartography.
She will also participate a round-table at the stand of the European Commission called Automated Driving panel presenting the VI-DAS “Vision Inspired Driving Assistance Systems” project.
This congress is defined as the biggest event with the ITS sector. The ITS Congresses (European and World) consist of three main areas: Congress, Demonstration, and Exhibition. Participating in these three areas offers a unique opportunity to show and explain the latest technologies and services, with a slightly different focus for each.