Digital Revolution in Personalized Medicine: challenges and opportunities in our local environment - Friday, March 16 - Eureka! Zientzia Museoa (Donostia / San Sebastián)

Digital Revolution in Personalized Medicine: challenges and opportunities in our local environment
Date: 16th March 2018
Venue: Eureka Zientzia Museoa, Donostia / San Sebastián
Workshop Objectives
Discussing about the important role that communication and informatio technologies (ICT) may play in the development of personalized medicine and its translation to clinical practice, as well as the opportunities, challenges and barriers within our local environment. Several experts will present their own success experiences in research projects and related bussiness initiatives, ass well as the alignment with strategic priorities in the Basque Country (RIS3 – Health)
Target Audience
Oriented to companis in the biotech/health sector, with experiences or needs in ICT technologies, ICT companies with interest or involvement in the biotech/health sector as diversification. Also oriented to researchers, technologists and health professionals interested in the influence of ICT technologies in the development of personalized medicine.
9:30 - 10:00 Official welcome, María Pascual de Zulueta (Basque Health Cluster).
Presentation of the Basque Country RIS3 Health and BIND 4.0 Health Programmes.
Estibaliz Hernáez
Deputy Minister for Technology, Innovation and Competitiveness
Basque Government
Presentation of the Bioscience Health Strategy in Gipuzkoa
Ainhoa Aizpuru, Deputy of Economic Development, the Rural Environment and Territorial Balance
Gipuzkoa Provincial Council
10:00 - 10:50 Invited Speaker: Prof. Tony Bjourson, Director, Clinical Translational Research and Innovation Centre (C-TRIC), Director, NI Centre for Stratified Medicine, Ulster University.
Prof. Bjourson currently serves as Director on the board of the Clinical Translation Research &Innovation Centre (C-TRIC) based in Derry-Londonderry (Northern Ireland)
10:50 - 11:15 Talk Horizon 2020 European Project DESIREE - Decision Support and Information Management System for Breast Cancer - Iván Macía - Project Coordinator, Vicomtech Foundation
11:15 - 11:40 Improve the care quality of patients with metastatic breast cancer by fostering remote monitoring. Aude Gourgues - Domicalis
11:40 - 12:00 Coffee Break
12:00 - 13:00 Round Table 1: From genetics to the patient. Role of ICT technologies. Moderator: Ander Urruticoechea (Onkologikoa Foundation)
Angel Rubio - Tecnun
Leire Mendizábal - Patia Diabetes Europe SL
Javier Gamboa - Biogenetics
Concha Vidales - DNA Data
Marcos Arauzo - IIS Biodonostia
*Participants will present their experience in ICT for Precision Medicine followed by an open discussion on the challenges, opportunities and barriers within the local environment.
13:00 - 14:00 Round Table 2: ICT, Big Data and Personalized Medicine. Moderator: Iván Macía (Vicomtech Foundation)
Roberto Bilbao - Director, Basque Biobank
Oscar Millet - CIC bioGune
Iker Ezkerra - NorayBio
Gerardo Cajaraville - Onkologikoa Foundation
Manuel Varela – SILO - Innovative Public Purchase
* Participants will present their experience in ICT for Precision Medicine followed by an open discussion on the challenges, opportunities and barriers within the local environment.
14:00 – 14:30 Lunch
* Spanish-English simultaneous translation will be provided
Free registration
Free access with limited places
Organised by
in collaboration with