Vicomtech obtains the best results in an international comparable corpora challenge

Its work will be recognised at "BUCC 2018: 11th Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora", taking place on May 8 in Miyazaki, Japan, in co-location with the LREC 2018 Conference. Vicomtech will present its participation in the BUCC international shared task, where the Machine Translation Group has obtained the best results for all language pairs in the task. The challenge consists in identifying sentence pairs which may be translations of each other in 4 language pairs: Chinese-English; Russian-English, German -English and French-English.
Dr. Thierry Etchegoyhen, head of machine translation research and development at Vicomtech, will present the group's work on the efficient alignment of multilingual comparable data. This technology enables the high precision creation of multilingual resources from data in different languages. These resources are crucial to develop machine translation systems of high quality and adapted to specific domains.
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