The user tests carried out in Leira prison for the Traction Project conclude successfully
Traction, is a European project led by Vicomtech, which aims to use technology to support the joint creation and consumption of opera content by various communities in the European Union

Mixing digital technologies and art, the aspiration is to change the elitist perception that is often held about opera, seeking to attribute new transformative capacities to it within the most excluded social strata (migrants, rural population, young criminals and others).
In the context of this project, last week two of our researchers traveled to Leira, Portugal, to meet there with members of SAMP (Sociedade Artística Musical dos Pousos) and together carry out usability tests in the Leira prison. Traction there seeks to involve inmates, their families and prison workers in a process of co-creation of opera, which offers them the possibility of expressing their experiences through art and diversity, thus reducing recidivism rates.
In addition to the user tests carried out in Leira, the project includes two other tests: one previously carried out in Ireland with Irish National Opera (INO) online workshops; and another that will take place in Barcelona together with the LICEU (Gran Teatre Del Liceu) where it seeks to obtain a creative collaboration between immigrants from different cultures of the Raval neighborhood and opera professionals, in order to form employable creative skills
If you want to know more about what is being done within the framework of this project, we invite you to visit its website: