ÉGIDA experts organize in Vigo an International Meeting on Cybersecurity
The event was held online and in person and discussed advances in the field of cybersecurity and how to transfer the technology to companies

ÉGIDA, made up of Gradiant, Fidesol, Ikerlan and Vicomtech, works on the creation of solutions for companies, linked to cryptography, systems security and identity and data privacy.
The Secretary General for Innovation, Teresa Riesgo, highlighted the important role of technology centers in the transfer of technology to companies.
The ÉGIDA National Network organized on February 23 and 24, 2022 an international meeting on cybersecurity and privacy, technology transfer to companies and application to industry. Inaugurated by Teresa Riesgo, General Secretary of Innovation of the Ministry of Science and by Luis Pérez Freire, CEO of Gradiant, it was held at the headquarters of Afundación in Vigo and could also be followed online.
Teresa Riesgo pointed out that "the Cervera Networks, besides being generators of knowledge, must become a reference link for the business environment". And she stressed that "Spain has to become a country not only user of digital technologies, but also have technological sovereignty in digitization".
For his part, Luis Pérez Freire, CEO of Gradiant, highlighted the great work that has been done in these two years of Red ÉGIDA, by putting technology at the service of companies.
Two days to learn about the latest developments in the sector in Europe
International experts shared during the meeting the advances in cryptographic technologies, digital security and privacy, as well as success stories to bring technology to small and medium enterprises. Likewise, the ÉGIDA Network presented research advances in technologies related to its areas of activity and which have direct application in areas such as finance, health or public administrations, among others.
On Wednesday afternoon, a panel of experts in cryptography focused on emerging technologies in cybersecurity, with the participation of experts Juan Troncoso, CEO of Tune Insight; Jose Maria Bermudo Mera, COSIC researcher at KU Leuven, and Alberto Pedrouzo, researcher at atlanTTic.
On Thursday they could follow the sessions online from 10:30h.
First Cervera Network for Privacy Protection
With an investment of 3.3 million euros, ÉGIDA was born in 2020 as the first and only national network of security and privacy technologies formed by the technological centers of excellence Gradiant, Fidesol, Ikerlan and Vicomtech.
This grouping arises within the framework of the Cervera Program for Technology Centers, the national commitment to develop market-oriented research driven by the Ministry of Science and Innovation and the Center for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI).
ÉGIDA works on 4 technical objectives focused on applied cryptography technologies, digital identity and privacy, security in distributed systems and development of secure information systems.
340 innovative projects in more than 30 countries
Gradiant, leader of the Cervera ÉGIDA Network, has concluded in its more than 13 years of activity more than 340 projects for sectors such as aerospace, cybersecurity or health and welfare. The innovative solutions of the Galician technology center have already been implemented in more than 370 companies in 30 different countries.