The RESPOND-A project runs a pilot test in Valencia
After several days of technical preparation and integration of the solutions provided by a consortium of more than thirty partners, the test was carried out on 16 February at the Port of Valencia together with the rest of the project partners. The project, of which Vicomtech is a part, seeks to improve emergency response systems through innovative and cutting-edge technologies.

Respond-A is an European project, funded by the Horizon 2020 programme and formed by a consortium of more than thirty partners, which aims to facilitate and speed up the response to emergencies for first aid and assistance teams.
As a result of changes in the industrial environment and the increase in accidents in the industry, there is an increasing need for emergency teams to have access to reliable and agile information management systems to prevent major evils in times of imminent danger.
The pilot test carried out at the port of Valencia consisted of a simulation of a fire emergency and a water spill caused by a collision between two dangerous goods lorries. Through various tools such as drones with 4K cameras, 360o video, ground robots with thermal and video cameras, etc., it has been tested and demonstrated how to cope with this emergency and danger situation.
Aim of the project
In order to adapt to current trends, the RESPOND-A project aims to develop holistic and user-friendly solutions for emergency and/or first aid services. The project will result in the application of its solutions in numerous applications such as earthquakes, forest fire extinguishing or port environments.
Technologies used
• 5G wireless communications
• Virtual and Augmented Reality
• Coordination of autonomous robots and unmanned aerial vehicles
• Wearable smart sensors and smart monitoring
• Geovisual Analysis
• Immersive analysis of geospatial data
• Passive and active tracking and tracing
• Multi-vision 360 interactive video transmission
Vicomtech’s role
In the European RESPOND-A project Vicomtech leads one of the work packages oriented, among other purpouses, to the technical development of solutions to obtain a common operational image and improve the situational awareness of First Responders.
Vicomtech provides Command-and-Control and Augmented Reality solutions for a global layered 3D overview of the emergency area and increased situational awareness, relying on geospatial information such as the location of risks, other first responders and relative distances to them, even when there is no direct line-of-sight.
Partners in the project
RESPOND-A has 34 partners: European University Cyprus (coordinador); Airbus DS SLC; Triagnosys Gmbh; National Center for Scientific Research «Demokritos»; Fundación Centro de Tecnologías de Interacción Visual y Comunicaciones Vicomtech; Nuuk Technologies S.L; Fundació Privada I2CAT, Internet i Innovació Digital a Catalunya; Atmosphere Gmbh; Probotek Ltd; Robotnik Automation Sll; Athonet Srl; Nifakos Sokratis; 0 Infinity Limited; Hellenic Instruments IKE; Prometech BV; Eight Bells; Sidroco Holdings Limited; Cyberlens BV; Vallfirest Tecnologías Forestales, S.L.; Csi Center For Social Innovation Ltd; Fundació d'ecología del Foc i Gestió d'incendis Pau Costa Alcubierre; Fundación Valenciaport; Public Safety Communication Europe Forum AISBL; Ayuntamiento de Valencia – Policía Local de València; Cyprus Police; Municipality of Egaleo; Institut po Otbrana BG; Smartex S.R.L.; Uprava Pomorske Sigurnosti I Upravljanja Lukama; Ministry of National Defence, Greece; Ministério da Justiça; Universitetska Mnogoprofilna Bolnitsa Za Aktivno Lechenie «Sveti Georgi» – University Multiprofile Hospital for Active Traitment «Saint George» IV; Software Company Eood; Innovative Energy and Information Technologies Ltd; e Ianus Consulting Limited.
The RESPOND-A project is an initiative co-financed by the European Commission through the Horizon 2020 programme, with an amount of more than €7 million for its development and which started last June.