A Vicomtech team wins third prize in the Gaia X Hackathon
Xabier Oregui, Francisco Lordoño and Ander García from Vicomtech, are part of the team that, together with SmartFactory, TNO, BaiData, AIT, SQS and Innovalia, have received the third prize in the Gaia X Hackathon.

Hackathon number six organised by Gaia X was part of the Gaia-X Tech-X Conference event in Bilbao o May. A new and broader event whose purpose was to improve the knowledge of the technologies on which Gaia-X is built.
The aim of the event was to continue working on the implementation of a real end-to-end scenario that takes advantage of the Gaia-X open source software and its respective Trust Framework. The projects to be presented had to cover, as far as possible, the following steps:
- Set the context, the real-life use and why a federation is needed/preferred
- Show how the federation is built/used
- Show how data exchange can be done by enforcing the access control described in the Gaia-X Compliant self-descriptions
The team of which Vicomtech is a member, called "Data Product Passport with European Manufacturing Gaia X Standards", has developed and presented an application based on Gaia-X that integrates IDSA connectors to aggregate and present the carbon footprint of a product throughout its life cycle (manufacturing, transport and use).
Vicomtech's role in the development of the challenge was to actively participate in the definition and implementation of the Gaia-X architecture and components of the system.
After a round of questions and the deliberation of the jury, the team won the third prize.
Congratulations to all the winners!