Demostrating the value of data sharing to boost the agri-data economy



01.10.2022 - 30.09.2025

Aim of the project

The creation of a "Common European Agricultural Data Space" is one of the EC priorities for the agricultural sector, following the guidelines of the recent European Data Strategy, which aims to create a single market for data, where data can flow within the EU and across sectors, to the benefit of all. DIVINE aims to provide the necessary mechanisms to support three levels of interoperability: semantic (WP3), technical (WP2) and organisational (WP6). These mechanisms will build on existing solutions (e.g. see section "Related R&D activities") to establish an ecosystem of underlying Agricultural Data Spaces, making public and private data available to interested data consumers, but through a single gateway.


Role of Vicomtech

At Vicomtech, we manage user identities, following a Self-Sovereign Identity model. In addition, we use Deep Learning to create high-resolution optical satellite images and to create customised dashboards for data analysis and sharing purposes.


Technologies used

  • Self Sovereign Identities (SSI)
  • Blockchain (Ethereum)
  • Identity Wallets
  • Keyrock
  • Knowage platform
  • Data visualization
  • Deep Learning


Field of application

  • Data spaces for Agrifood
  • Identity Management.


Project partners

  • Institute of Communication & Computer Systems (ICCS)
  • Waterford Institute of Technology (WIT)
  • Engineering – Ingegnieria Informática SPA (ENG)
  • Intelcom Commercial Pathways Companylimited by Guarantee (INLE)
  • Fundación Centro de Tecnologías de Interacción Visual y Comunicaciones Vicomtech (VICOM)
  • Consiglio per la ricera in agricultura e l’analisi dell’economia (CREA)
  • Farm Europe AISBL (FE)
  • ITC – Inovacijsko tehnoloski grozd Murska Sobota (ITC)
  • International Data Spaces EV (IDSA)
  • Organizzazione Mondiale Degli Agricoltori (World Farmer’s Organisation WFO)
  • University College Dublin, national University of Ireland (UCD)
  • Kmetijsko gozdarska zbornica Slovenije kmetijsko gozdarski zavod Murska Sobota (KGZS)
  • Dynamic & Security Computations SL (ADSC)


Project financing

Europe (HORIZON-CL6-2021-GOVERNANCE-01-20)

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Parque Científico y Tecnológico de Gipuzkoa,
Paseo Mikeletegi 57,
20009 Donostia / San Sebastián (Spain)

+(34) 943 309 230

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48014 Bilbao (Spain)

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