A middleware to enhance current multimedia retrieval systems with content-based functionalities
Authors: Gorka Marcos and Arantza Illarramendi and Igor García and Julián Flórez
Date: 11.05.2011
Multimedia Systems
author = {Gorka Marcos and Arantza Illarramendi and Igor García and Julián Flórez},
title = {A middleware to enhance current multimedia retrieval systems with content-based functionalities},
journal = {Multimedia Systems},
pages = {149-164},
volume = {17},
keywds = {
Multimedia information retrieval, Content-based, Semantic middleware
abstract = {
Nowadays the retrieval of multimedia assets is mainly performed by text-based retrieval systems with powerful and stable indexing mechanisms. Migration from those systems to content-aware multimedia retrieval systems is a common aim for companies from very diverse sectors. In this paper we present a semantic middleware designed to achieve a seamless integration with existing systems. This middleware outsources the semantic functionalities (e.g. knowledge extraction, semantic query expansion,…) that are not covered by traditional systems, thereby allowing the use of complementary content-based techniques. We include a list of key criteria to successfully deploy this middleware, which provides semantic support to many different steps of the retrieval process. Both the middleware and the design criteria are validated by two real complementary deployments in two very different industrial domains.
date = {2011-05-11},
year = {2011},