A risks and opportunities management approach for organizations dealing with complex R&D projects

Authors: Edurne Loyarte López Mario Barral Giulioni Nora Gurrutxaga Eskisabel Mullins, Martin

Date: 04.07.2023


isk management as it pertains to R&D projects developed in a research technology
organization (RTOs) represents a very particular set of challenges. Each project operates in a
distinct environment in which risks/opportunities are distinct and require a bespoke risk
management strategy. This article proposes a holistic approach to risks and opportunities
management that has been proven in more than 400 R&D projects during five years in the
information and communication technologies sector. An integrated risk management approach
that spans all potential risks allows to cope with dynamic environments and achieve the goals of
being an effective, and sustainable manager of complex projects. The findings of the paper are
underwritten by a survey of peer institutions that show a high degree of heterogeneity in the area
of risk management practice and suggests the need for greater harmonization. Overall, the selection
of appropriate indicators and evaluation rates for risk and opportunity identification is a
cornerstone of this article. To date, no specific research has been conducted on risk management
methodologies for complex R&D projects in RTO organizations.


@Article {
title = {A risks and opportunities management approach for organizations dealing with complex R&D projects},
pages = {23},
keywds = {
Risk management; opportunity management; information and communication technologies; R&D projects; research technology organization; knowledge economy
abstract = {

isk management as it pertains to R&D projects developed in a research technology
organization (RTOs) represents a very particular set of challenges. Each project operates in a
distinct environment in which risks/opportunities are distinct and require a bespoke risk
management strategy. This article proposes a holistic approach to risks and opportunities
management that has been proven in more than 400 R&D projects during five years in the
information and communication technologies sector. An integrated risk management approach
that spans all potential risks allows to cope with dynamic environments and achieve the goals of
being an effective, and sustainable manager of complex projects. The findings of the paper are
underwritten by a survey of peer institutions that show a high degree of heterogeneity in the area
of risk management practice and suggests the need for greater harmonization. Overall, the selection
of appropriate indicators and evaluation rates for risk and opportunity identification is a
cornerstone of this article. To date, no specific research has been conducted on risk management
methodologies for complex R&D projects in RTO organizations.

isbn = {978‐952‐65069‐3‐7},
date = {2023-07-04},

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Paseo Mikeletegi 57,
20009 Donostia / San Sebastián (Spain)

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48014 Bilbao (Spain)

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