Realtime Visualization of the Connectome in the Browser using WebGL

Authors: Daniel Ginsburg and Stephan Gerhard and John Edgar Congote and Rudolph Pienaar

Date: 17.10.2011

Frontiers in Neuroinformatics



Recent advances in browser technology along with the widespread proliferation of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) have enabled new visualization capabilities in the browser. Analyzing the connectome requires intensive preprocessing along with realtime visualization for results exploration. The introduction of WebGL [1] has made exploration of such data possible in the browser, enabling visualizations across a range of devices without any client-side software requirements other than a WebGL-enabled browser. This poster introduces several visualization techniques that were developed for exploration of connectome data.


@Article {
author = {Daniel Ginsburg and Stephan Gerhard and John Edgar Congote and Rudolph Pienaar},
title = {Realtime Visualization of the Connectome in the Browser using WebGL},
journal = {Frontiers in Neuroinformatics},
abstract = {
Recent advances in browser technology along with the widespread proliferation of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) have enabled new visualization capabilities in the browser. Analyzing the connectome requires intensive preprocessing along with realtime visualization for results exploration. The introduction of WebGL [1] has made exploration of such data possible in the browser, enabling visualizations across a range of devices without any client-side software requirements other than a WebGL-enabled browser. This poster introduces several visualization techniques that were developed for exploration of connectome data.
date = {2011-10-17},
year = {2011},

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