Streamlining XR Technology Into Industrial Training and Maintenance Processes
Authors: Carles Creus López Álvaro Guinea
Date: 11.11.2020
The nature of industrial manufacturing processes and the need to learn and adapt production systems to new demands require new tools to cope with the vast amount of information being generated. This research aims to design, implement, and evaluate a process to streamline industrial assets to immersive environments and harness the interconnectivity of machines, processes, and products for more informed decision making. To evaluate the effectiveness of our solution, we compare it against existing solutions. A statistical test is used to corroborate our hypotheses, and the results of the usability test indicate well-perceived learnability.
title = {Streamlining XR Technology Into Industrial Training and Maintenance Processes},
pages = {3424711},
keywds = {
3D web, X3D, CAD data visualization, physically-based rendering, real-time rendering, glTF, X3D standardization
abstract = {
The nature of industrial manufacturing processes and the need to learn and adapt production systems to new demands require new tools to cope with the vast amount of information being generated. This research aims to design, implement, and evaluate a process to streamline industrial assets to immersive environments and harness the interconnectivity of machines, processes, and products for more informed decision making. To evaluate the effectiveness of our solution, we compare it against existing solutions. A statistical test is used to corroborate our hypotheses, and the results of the usability test indicate well-perceived learnability.
isbn = {978-1-4503-8169-7},
date = {2020-11-11},