Noel O'Connor
Member of the Advisory Committee
Prof. Noel E. O’Connor is a Full Professor in the School of Electronic Engineering at Dublin City University (DCU) Ireland. He is CEO of the Insight SFI Research Centre for Data Analytics, Ireland’s largest SFI-funded research centre. He was previously Academic Director of DCU’s Research and Enterprise Hub on Information Technology and the Digital Society, with the responsibility of coordinating multi-disciplinary ICT-related research across the university. The focus of his research is in multimedia content analysis, computer vision, machine learning, information fusion and multi-modal analysis for applications in security/safety, autonomous vehicles, medical imaging, IoT and smart cities, multimedia content-based retrieval, and environmental monitoring. Since 1999 he has published over 400 peer-reviewed publications, made 11 standards submissions, and filed 7 patents. He is an Area Editor for Signal Processing: Image Communication (Elsevier) and an Associate Editor for the Journal of Image and Video Processing (Springer). He is a member of the ACM and IEEE