Home Internal Structure Oihana Otaegui Madurga Oihana Otaegui Madurga Director of Transport & Security Division Dr. Ingeniera en Automática y Electrónica Industrial ootaegui@vicomtech.org Related Publications 2023-05-22 Introduction to AITHENA: AI-BASED CCAM: TRUSTWORTHY, EXPLAINABLE AND ACCOUNTABLE Marcos Nieto Doncel Oihana Otaegui Madurga Juan Diego Ortega Paola Natalia Cañas Rodríguez Itziar Sagastiberri Fernández 2023-05-22 Introduction to AWARE2ALL: Safety systems and human-machine interfaces oriented to diverse population towards future scenarios with increasing share of highly automated vehicles Oihana Otaegui Madurga Marcos Nieto Doncel Sanz, Lucia Paola Natalia Cañas Rodríguez Guillem Delgado Gonzalo 2023-05-01 Crowd-sourced machine learning model update through connected vehicles Gorka Vélez Isasmendi Josu Pérez Colmenar Iñaki Cejudo Fresnadillo Juan Diego Ortega Marcos Nieto Doncel Oihana Otaegui Madurga 2023-01-01 Leveraging Synthetic Data for DNN-Based Visual Analysis of Passenger Seats Aranjuelo, Nerea SN Computer Science 2022-07-20 I-PRIDe: Video-based Person Re-Identification Jingwen Yang Peter Leškovský Andoni Cortés Vidal Jorge García Castaño Oihana Otaegui Madurga 2022-06-01 Virtual passengers for real car solutions: synthetic datasets Paola Natalia Cañas Rodríguez 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ‧‧‧ 14