Multimedia Work Flows and Interaction
ICTs and Media
We enable the construction of solutions requiring complex management of multimedia flows.

We have technology and specialist knowledge for the development of solutions requiring advanced management of video, bot for its handling and distribution, consumption and visualisation. We highlight the following solutions.
- Low-delay video distribution systems
- Made-to-measure applications for the visualisation of 3D Media and omnidirectional and 3D videos. Multi-screen service orchestration platforms in collaboration environments (e.g., crisis rooms, mass information consumption situations)
- Integration of DRMs in advanced applications
- Noteworthy Projects
- Related News
How does the Traction technology work?
The aim of Traction is to promote a transformation of communities at risk of exclusion and work is being done on the development of technologies that allow the co-creation of Opera from different geographical locations and different devices, between different users and communities.

OpenAirInterface North America Workshop: Latest advances of FeMBMS and 5G Broadcast in OAI
Vicomtech contributes to the OpenAirInterface Software Alliance (OSA) (OpenAirInterface) and 5G Broadcast (3gpp) providing the first worldwide open source FeMBMS receiver implementation.
Looking for support for your next project? Contact us, we are looking forward to helping you.