Vicomtech-IK4 leads the European project MediaScape about creation, adaptation and publication of dynamic services of communication in any form of device.

From September 30 to October 2 Vicomtech-IK4 held at its headquarters the meeting of this project with partners of Germany, United Kingdom, France, Norway and Spain.
The project seeks to facilitate the marriage of the TV, PC and Mobile worlds through a standard solution that includes real-time delivery and synchronisation of media contents and applications/services across a variety of devices. Working with the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and liaising with HbbTV and YouView, MediaScape will enable future services that define multi-user and multi-devices media-viewing experiences for millions of European users, fostering the materialisation of new service concepts and business models, and in a manner that is standard-based and interoperable.
MediaScape will lay the foundations for advanced connected multi-user services via a standardised approach integrated into the HTML5 paradigm.
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