Ubertitles subtitles your videos in a fast, simple and automatic way

The technological company Ubertitles has launched a tool which allows to subtitle videos in a fast, simple and automatic way. Vicomtech-IK4, a very experienced research centre in this field, is its technological partner.
You just need to register in www.ubertitles.com and upload the video you want to subtitle. Ubertitles will do the rest. The process is very simple and fast. If the user provides the transcription of the video, the subtitles will be generated automatically. There is also a subtitling and transcription service for those users with no video transcription.
This service helps the amateur video makers to embed the subtitles directly in their project and it can also help the professional subtitlers to finish their work faster.
Ubertitles has not a fix prize or license. You just have to pay for the use of it (from 0,59€ per subtitled video minute). The users of the Vicomtech-IK4 website will get 50 minutes free of charge. In order to enjoy this offer, you must register in the website and send an email to vicomtech@ubertitles.com.
For more information: www.ubertitles.com