Gocardio, a mobile system development for cardiac rehabilitation

The IK4 technology centres Vicomtech and CEIT, the health research centre Biodonostia and the Hospital Universitario Donostia –OSI Donostialdea, together with Bilbomatica, STT and INCIDE companies have developed an innovative system allowing people to make cardiac rehabilitation comfortably from outside the Hospital. The patients must fulfil some criteria to use the system and they will be telematics-controlled from hospital.
This system is designed for cardiac rehabilitation for people who have suffered cardiovascular diseases such as acute coronary syndrome and others. The worldwide prevention and treatment cost of these cardiac illnesses could reach 47 billion dollar in the next 25 years. For this reason it is essential to focus the research and development to this issue.
Thus, this new system, GoCardio, apart from improving the monitoring in cardiac rehabilitation will also reduce the health cost of each patient. People who have suffered from cardiac diseases must go to hospital several times a week to make rehabilitation, and afterwards they must continue with rehabilitation from home without medical supervision.
The main result of this system is to allow a specific group of cardiac rehabilitation patients to make exercise from home under telematics control from hospital. Moreover, the system helps patients with problems due to work or family issues to attend these programs in Hospital.