Dr. Aitor Moreno and Dr. Carlos Toro take part in the Congress of Machine Tool and Manufacturing Technologies on 10th-12th of June in San Sebastian

Dr. Aitor Moreno and Dr. Carlos Toro take part in the 20th Congress of Machine Tool and Manufacturing Technologies organised by AFM and taking place in San Sebastian from 10th to 12th of June.
On 11th of June Dr. Aitor Moreno presents the talk "Interactive Virtual Simulation of Punching and Cutting Processes" and explains how the machining simulation is a production process phase which allows to substantially improve the efficiency. On the one hand, any defect not foreseen in the design phase could be detected and on the other hand it is an important advantage in economic, machine efficiency and workplace accidents reduction terms. This work shows the partial results of a software module which graphically and in an interactive way helps to obtain a visual representation of the machine and sheet punching effects behaviour.
On 12th of June, Dr. Carlos Toro takes part in the "Enabling Technologies for Industry 4.0: Visual Computing, CPS and Mechatronics" round table.
The Vicomtech-IK4’s participation in 20CMH is related to the centre specialisation in Computer Graphics, Visual Computing and Multimedia technologies to give solutions to the Applied Research needs of the local companies and entities helping to improve their competitiveness.