Mikel Zorrilla takes part in the WWW2015 Congress in Florence from 18th to 22nd of May to present MediaScape project.

On 18th of May the 24th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2015) took place, where Mikel Zorrilla together with his working partners presented the MediaScape project which allows the multidevice adaptation of HTML5 media applications.
This congress is the premier international forum to present and discuss progress in research, development, standards, and applications of the topics related to the Web. This congress brings together researchers from all over the world who aim to share the last advances in academic and industrial research.
The presented project, MediaScape, eases the connection between television, computer and mobile devices allowing the access to multimedia content from any device. For example, it will allow interacting with television content directly from tablets and smart phones.
For more information: http://mediascapeproject.eu/