Satellite Navigation and Computer Vision technologies to guide drivers at lane level

Vicomtech-IK4 leads a European project that will contribute to the development of new navigation systems, which will allow drivers to choose the most appropriate lane for each route, according to dynamic and real-time updated information. These tools will bring a significant improvement in terms of road safety and mobility efficiency.
Drivers can now make use of traditional guiding systems, but the inclusion of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) requires more accurate tools and a greater knowledge of the environment.
This innovative project, inLane, will allow to achieve more accurate and reliable positioning information, which will lead to more accurate road maps that will be updated in real time, according to the vehicle’s situation. Furthermore, inLane will contribute to minimising the risks related to lane changing manoeuvres, particularly when caused by incorrect positioning on the road.
This project started on the 1st of January 2016 and will finish in June 2018. Vicomtech-IK4 is the project coordinator. Honda Research Institute and TomTom are the main industrial partners, representing both the automotive and navigation systems industries. Moreover, Intel will provide the technology point of view for the new solution, together with Teleconsult, an Austrian telecommunications company. The French Institute for Science and Technology for Transport, IFSTTAR, and the Technical University of Eindhoven will focus on standardisation and research activities. Finally, Ertico ITS Europe, RACC and the City of Barcelona represent end-users in the project: industrial sector, drivers and urban management.