Language and Voice Technologies
ICTs and Media
Our technology enables niche and high-value solutions via analysis and processing of text and audio.

Vicomtech has its own proprietary software, computational infrastructure and a team highly specialised in the development of solutions:
- Machine translation systems in both general and specific domains
- Real-time transcription systems (e.g., generation of subtitles in audiovisual production, generation of video minutes, etc.)
- Development of personalised conversation systems or Chatbots
- Solutions for the processing of natural language: detection of opinions, trends, conversational analysis, analysis of non-structured texts, generation of machine reporting, etc.
You can know more about our speech and language technology solutions here:
- Noteworthy Projects
- Related News

End of the project that demonstrates the potential of AI in the optimization of the logistics and industrial sector through conversational assistants.
The initiative has developed a system based on conversational assistants to optimise information consultation and inventory management.

Vicomtech collaborates with Innguma on the development and transfer of technologies based on Deep Learning
The project called “InnVic” aims to improve Innguma’s competitive surveillance system through Artificial Intelligence based on Deep Learning.

Vicomtech participates in Tecnosec to showcase its capabilities in Artificial Intelligence applied to Security
TECNOSEC is the exhibition that has gathered the main agents of the Security and Intelligence sector during the 11th and 12th of May in the Pabellón de Cristal in Madrid.

Nerea and Mikel, the synthetic voices generated from Vicomtech with Artificial Intelligence for Eusko Jaurlaritza - Basque Government
The Basque Government presented last December 3rd the synthetic voice of Nerea during the commemorative event of the International Day of the Basque Language.

EKIN, a natural language voice solution for industrial maintenance
Within the framework of the Ekin Project, coordinated by Vicomtech, professors and students of the IMH Campus of Advanced and Digital Manufacturing meet to evaluate a set of problems/situations related to the maintenance of robots through interaction solutions in natural language by voice .

Institutional visit to the Vicomtech headquarters to learn about the capabilities of Artificial Intelligence in language
The meeting was led by the Vice Councelor of Technology, Innovation and Transformation, Estíbaliz Hernáez
Looking for support for your next project? Contact us, we are looking forward to helping you.