Resivoz. Spoken recording of information using conversation assistants
CASER Residencial
Optimization of the recording of information through voice interaction by the technical staff of the residential centers, in order to improve the quality of their care to the residents

The Challenge
During the day, large volumes of data and information about the residents of CASER residences are recorded. Daily information is recorded through controls on medication intake, changes in humidity, hygiene, etc. All this is done by the assistants at the end of their work shift, on a single computer that is in the control of each service module they have; as a result, there are long queues of assistants to fill in and record this information.
If this project succeeds in reducing the time taken to carry out these activities and in enabling such information to be recorded immediately, the quality of service can be greatly improved, eliminating the time gap between the time of a recorded susceptible event and its subsequent translation into the programme. Therefore, the goal would be to try to optimize the time in order to dedicate it to what is really important, which is to be with the residents.
The Proposed Solution
After research based on interviews with residential staff (who would be the main users of the technology), the design of the proposal was started. RESIVOZ would be an app installed on a small smartphone attached via a fanny pack or similar on the staff of the residence, as well as a functional and discreet headset/microphone via bluetooth. All communication with Vicomtech systems, with Artificial Intelligence services, databases, etc.
The android application would communicate with the spoken dialogue system developed at Vicomtech, using the following technologies:
- Speech processing
- Dialogue systems
- Natural Language Processing
The mobile, hands-free nature of RESIVOZ allows nurses to enter their activities naturally, when and where needed.
The Result
To test the feasibility of the use case, an assessment of the system was carried out among the auxiliary staff of the Hondarribia and Irún residences. For its validation, a training session was held. A recording of three different shifts was carried out, and after the phase of adaptation to the technology and validation of the same, the result was satisfactory, the systems of dialogue and spoken interaction represent a technology of rapid learning, without complications.
- Improves the management of daily information. A context of information is available in the database, such as residents, tasks to be performed, assigned shifts, etc.
- It allows to improve the attention to residents. Assistants do not waste quality time with residents in the recording of information at the end of the shift
In this way, work continues to be done to establish Resivoz in CASER residences as well as in other areas of application of Speech and Natural Language Technologies, such as nursing and medicine.
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