Home Internal Structure Gorka Marcos Ortego Gorka Marcos Ortego Director of Market Strategy and Innovation Dr. Ingeniero en Informática gmarcos@vicomtech.org Related Publications Doctoral Thesis 2018-10-01 Model for calculating the intellectual capital of research centres Edurne Loyarte López Igor García Olaizola Gorka Marcos Ortego María Moral Nora Gurrutxaga Julián Flórez Esnal Iñaki Azua Journal of Intellectual Capital 2015-11-01 Technology Roadmapping (TRM) and Strategic Alignment for an Applied Research Centre: A Case Study with Methodological Contributions Edurne Loyarte López Jorge Posada Velásquez Seán Gaines Cooke Shabs Rajashekaran Igor García Olaizola Oihana Otaegui Madurga María Teresa Linaza Saldaña David Oyarzun Arantza del Pozo Echezarreta Gorka Marcos Ortego Julián Flórez Esnal R&D Management 2012-03-08 A friendly location-aware system to facilitate the work of technical directors when broadcasting sport events. Sergio Ilarri and Eduardo Mena and Arantza Illarramendi and Roberto Yus and Maider Laka and Gorka Marcos Mobile Information Systems PDF 2011-05-11 A middleware to enhance current multimedia retrieval systems with content-based functionalities Gorka Marcos and Arantza Illarramendi and Igor García and Julián Flórez Multimedia Systems PDF 2010-11-08 A Location-Aware System for Monitoring Sport Events Sergio Ilarri and Eduardo Mena and Arantza Illarramendi and Gorka Marcos PDF 2009-12-14 DMS-1 driven Data Model to enable a Semantic Middleware for Multimedia Information Retrieval in a Broadcaster Gorka Marcos and Kevin Alonso and Arantza Illarramendi and Igor García and Julián Flórez PDF 1 2 3 4 ‧‧‧ 4 11.05.2011 A Semantic Middleware to enhance current Multimedia Retrieval Systems with Content-based functionalities Gorka Marcos Ortego