ARGUS: Assisting peRsonal GUidance System for people with visual impairment
Autores: Oihana Otaegui and Estíbaliz Loyo and Eduardo Carrasco and Claudia Fösleitner and John Spiller and Manfred Schrenk and Daniela Patti and Rafael Olmedo and Markus Dubielzig
Fecha: 10.09.2012
author = {Oihana Otaegui and Estíbaliz Loyo and Eduardo Carrasco and Claudia Fösleitner and John Spiller and Manfred Schrenk and Daniela Patti and Rafael Olmedo and Markus Dubielzig},
title = {ARGUS: Assisting peRsonal GUidance System for people with visual impairment},
pages = {1137-1143},
keywds = {
Navigation;Binaural;3D Sounds; Visual Impaiment;EDAS; GPS; Interface
date = {2012-09-10},
year = {2012},