Edge Dynamic Map architecture for C-ITS applications

Autores: Garcia, Mikel

Fecha: 01.09.2023


Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (CITS) create, share and process massive amounts of data which needs to be real-time managed to enable new cooperative and autonomous driving applications. Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communications facilitate information exchange among vehicles and infrastructures using various protocols. By providing computer power, data storage, and low latency capabilities, Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) has become a key enabling technology in the transport industry. The Local Dynamic Map (LDM) concept has consequently been extended to its utilisation in MECs, into an efficient, collaborative, and centralised Edge Dynamic Map (EDM) for C-ITS applications. This research presents an EDM architecture for V2X communications and implements a real-time proof-of-concept using a Time-Series Database (TSDB) engine to store vehicular message information. The performance evaluation includes data insertion and querying, assessing the system's capacity and scale for low-latency Cooperative Awareness Message (CAM) applications. Traffic simulations using SUMO have been employed to generate virtual routes for thousands of vehicles, demonstrating the transmission of virtual CAM messages to the EDM


@Article {
author = {Garcia, Mikel},
title = {Edge Dynamic Map architecture for C-ITS applications},
pages = {5},
keywds = {
Associative storage; Intelligent systems; Intelligent vehicle highway systems; Memory architecture; Query processing; Real time systems; Traffic control; Vehicle to vehicle communications
abstract = {

Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (CITS) create, share and process massive amounts of data which needs to be real-time managed to enable new cooperative and autonomous driving applications. Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communications facilitate information exchange among vehicles and infrastructures using various protocols. By providing computer power, data storage, and low latency capabilities, Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) has become a key enabling technology in the transport industry. The Local Dynamic Map (LDM) concept has consequently been extended to its utilisation in MECs, into an efficient, collaborative, and centralised Edge Dynamic Map (EDM) for C-ITS applications. This research presents an EDM architecture for V2X communications and implements a real-time proof-of-concept using a Time-Series Database (TSDB) engine to store vehicular message information. The performance evaluation includes data insertion and querying, assessing the system's capacity and scale for low-latency Cooperative Awareness Message (CAM) applications. Traffic simulations using SUMO have been employed to generate virtual routes for thousands of vehicles, demonstrating the transmission of virtual CAM messages to the EDM

isbn = {979-835039946-2},
date = {2023-09-01},

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