Evaluation of Mobile Augmented Reality Applications for Tourism Destinations
Autores: María Teresa Linaza and David Marimon and Paula Carrasco and Roberto Álvarez and Javier Montesa and Salvador Ramón Aguilar and Gorka Diez
Fecha: 24.01.2012
Every city contains interesting places and stories to be discovered. Mobile Augmented Reality provides the means to enrich tourists through precise and tailored information about the surroundings of the area they are visiting. MobiAR is an AR platform based on Android, which assists users who need tourist information about a city. When users observe reality through the MobiAR application via their mobile devices, they can experience events that took place at their location through multimedia content, and can access useful information to plan their routes in the city. This paper describes the MobiAR platform and presents the evaluation process that has been applied to the MobiAR application, in order to gather the opinion of real users.
author = {María Teresa Linaza and David Marimon and Paula Carrasco and Roberto Álvarez and Javier Montesa and Salvador Ramón Aguilar and Gorka Diez},
title = {Evaluation of Mobile Augmented Reality Applications for Tourism Destinations},
pages = {260-271},
keywds = {
Mobile Augmented Reality; evaluation; usability analysis; tourism destination.
abstract = {
Every city contains interesting places and stories to be discovered. Mobile Augmented Reality provides the means to enrich tourists through precise and tailored information about the surroundings of the area they are visiting. MobiAR is an AR platform based on Android, which assists users who need tourist information about a city. When users observe reality through the MobiAR application via their mobile devices, they can experience events that took place at their location through multimedia content, and can access useful information to plan their routes in the city. This paper describes the MobiAR platform and presents the evaluation process that has been applied to the MobiAR application, in order to gather the opinion of real users.
isbn = {978-3-7091-1141-3},
isi = {1},
date = {2012-01-24},
year = {2012},