Meaningful Integration of Data, Analytics and Services of Computer-Based Medical Systems: The MIDAS Touch

Autores: Michaela Black Jonathan Wallace Deborah Rankin Paul Carlin Raymond Bond Maurice Mulvenna Brian Cleland Scott Fischaber Gorka Epelde Unanue Gorana Nikolic Juha Pajula Regina Connolly

Fecha: 01.06.2019


The MIDAS consortium is a partnership involving health  authorities,  and  technical  big  data  experts  from universities, research institutions, MNCs and SMEs across six EU countries (UK (NI and England), Ireland, Belgium, Finland, Spain and Slovenia), and the USA. The management of big data for ‘health in all’ poses a significant challenge for health policy makers.  This  challenge  is  addressed  by  the  MIDAS  project through  the  development  of  an  integrated  solution  enabling knowledge  liberation  from  data  silos  and  unification  of heterogeneous big data sources that can provide evidence-based actionable information and transform the way care is provided.


@Article {
title = {Meaningful Integration of Data, Analytics and Services of Computer-Based Medical Systems: The MIDAS Touch},
pages = {104-105},
keywds = {
Big Data;data integration;health care;medical information systems;evidence-based actionable information;computer-based medical systems;MIDAS touch;health
abstract = {

The MIDAS consortium is a partnership involving health  authorities,  and  technical  big  data  experts  from universities, research institutions, MNCs and SMEs across six EU countries (UK (NI and England), Ireland, Belgium, Finland, Spain and Slovenia), and the USA. The management of big data for ‘health in all’ poses a significant challenge for health policy makers.  This  challenge  is  addressed  by  the  MIDAS  project through  the  development  of  an  integrated  solution  enabling knowledge  liberation  from  data  silos  and  unification  of heterogeneous big data sources that can provide evidence-based actionable information and transform the way care is provided.

isbn = {978-172812286-1},
date = {2019-06-01},

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Paseo Mikeletegi 57,
20009 Donostia / San Sebastián (España)

+(34) 943 309 230

Zorrotzaurreko Erribera 2, Deusto,
48014 Bilbao (España)

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