Optimised Data Structures for Large Scale Content-Based Geo-Indexing

Autores: Luigi Mascolo Marco Quartulli Giovanni Nico Pietro Guccione Igor García Olaizola

Fecha: 26.07.2015


Image mining consists of the procedures that allow to access, search and explore very large databases of data. Institutions like spatial agencies have to manage huge archives of Earth Observation (EO) images and need solutions to make data available to users from both the algorithmic and the infrastructural point of views. On the other side, users would need to explore the variety of images not just based on metadata, like time of acquisition or sensor parameters, but also by getting knowledge of their content. In this contribution, we investigate methodologies for content-based EO image retrieval via example-based queries. In particular, we present a procedure for the indexing of large-scale unstructured archives, built on top of a cluster analytics framework, Apache Spark. The procedure is based on a hierarchical and scalable implementation of a space partitioning algorithm and allows O(log n) response query times. Scalability analyses are conducted on polarimetric data from NASA/JPL archives, by using virtualized computing resources distributed over the Internet. In particular, the effects of the cluster size and of the hardware scale-up are demonstrated. The results also reveal the applicative potential of using on-demand cloud-based resources.


@Article {
title = {Optimised Data Structures for Large Scale Content-Based Geo-Indexing},
pages = {1488-1491},
keywds = {

Content-Based Retrieval, Remote Sensing, Elastic Cloud Computing, Big Data, Polarimetric SAR

abstract = {

Image mining consists of the procedures that allow to access, search and explore very large databases of data. Institutions like spatial agencies have to manage huge archives of Earth Observation (EO) images and need solutions to make data available to users from both the algorithmic and the infrastructural point of views. On the other side, users would need to explore the variety of images not just based on metadata, like time of acquisition or sensor parameters, but also by getting knowledge of their content. In this contribution, we investigate methodologies for content-based EO image retrieval via example-based queries. In particular, we present a procedure for the indexing of large-scale unstructured archives, built on top of a cluster analytics framework, Apache Spark. The procedure is based on a hierarchical and scalable implementation of a space partitioning algorithm and allows O(log n) response query times. Scalability analyses are conducted on polarimetric data from NASA/JPL archives, by using virtualized computing resources distributed over the Internet. In particular, the effects of the cluster size and of the hardware scale-up are demonstrated. The results also reveal the applicative potential of using on-demand cloud-based resources.

isbn = {978-1-4799-7929-5},
isi = {1},
date = {2015-07-26},
year = {2015},

Parque Científico y Tecnológico de Gipuzkoa,
Paseo Mikeletegi 57,
20009 Donostia / San Sebastián (España)

+(34) 943 309 230

Zorrotzaurreko Erribera 2, Deusto,
48014 Bilbao (España)

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