RESIVOZ: Dialogue System for Voice-based Information Registration in Eldercare - RESIVOZ: Sistema de Di ́alogo para el Registro deInformaci ́on de Cuidado de Mayores mediante Voz
Autores: Laura García Sardiña Manex Serras Saenz Mikel Fernández
Fecha: 15.09.2020
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural
RESIVOZ is a spoken dialogue system aimed at helping geriatric nurseseasily register resident caring information. Compared to the traditional use of com-puters installed at specific control points for information recording, RESIVOZ’shands-free and mobile nature allows nurses to enter their activities in a natural way,when and where needed. Besides the core spoken dialogue component, the presentedprototype system also includes an administration panel and a mobile phone App de-signed to visualise and edit resident caring information.
title = {RESIVOZ: Dialogue System for Voice-based Information Registration in Eldercare - RESIVOZ: Sistema de Di ́alogo para el Registro deInformaci ́on de Cuidado de Mayores mediante Voz},
journal = {Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural},
volume = {65},
keywds = {
Gerontechnology, Spoken Dialogue Systems, Eldercare, InformationRegistration
abstract = {
RESIVOZ is a spoken dialogue system aimed at helping geriatric nurseseasily register resident caring information. Compared to the traditional use of com-puters installed at specific control points for information recording, RESIVOZ’shands-free and mobile nature allows nurses to enter their activities in a natural way,when and where needed. Besides the core spoken dialogue component, the presentedprototype system also includes an administration panel and a mobile phone App de-signed to visualise and edit resident caring information.
doi = {10.26342/2020-65-18},
date = {2020-09-15},