Surgical planning assistance in keyhole and percutaneous surgery: A systematic review

Autores: Davide Scorza Sara El Hadji Camilo Andrés Cortés Acosta Álvaro Bertelsen Simonetti Francesco Cardinale Giuseppe Baselli Caroline Essert Elena De Momi

Fecha: 01.01.2021

Medical Image Analysis


Surgical planning of percutaneous interventions has a crucial role to guarantee the success of minimally invasive surgeries. In the last decades, many methods have been proposed to reduce clinician work load related to the planning phase and to augment the information used in the definition of the optimal trajectory. In this survey, we include 113 articles related to computer assisted planning (CAP) methods and validations obtained from a systematic search on three databases. First, a general formulation of the problem is presented, independently from the surgical field involved, and the key steps involved in the development of a CAP solution are detailed. Secondly, we categorized the articles based on the main surgical applications, which have been object of study and we categorize them based on the type of assistance provided to the end-user


@Article {
title = {Surgical planning assistance in keyhole and percutaneous surgery: A systematic review},
journal = {Medical Image Analysis},
pages = {101820},
volume = {67},
keywds = {
Surgical planning assistance, percutaneous surgery, keyhole surgery
abstract = {

Surgical planning of percutaneous interventions has a crucial role to guarantee the success of minimally invasive surgeries. In the last decades, many methods have been proposed to reduce clinician work load related to the planning phase and to augment the information used in the definition of the optimal trajectory. In this survey, we include 113 articles related to computer assisted planning (CAP) methods and validations obtained from a systematic search on three databases. First, a general formulation of the problem is presented, independently from the surgical field involved, and the key steps involved in the development of a CAP solution are detailed. Secondly, we categorized the articles based on the main surgical applications, which have been object of study and we categorize them based on the type of assistance provided to the end-user

doi = {10.1016/},
date = {2021-01-01},

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