Synthetic Outlier Generation for Anomaly Detection in Autonomous Driving

Autores: Bikandi, Martin

Fecha: 28.09.2023


Anomaly detection, or outlier detection, is a crucial task in various domains to identify instances that significantly deviate from established patterns or the majority of data. In the context of autonomous driving, the identification of anomalies is particularly important to prevent safety-critical incidents, as deep learning models often exhibit overconfidence in anomalous or outlier samples. In this study, we explore different strategies for training an image semantic segmentation model with an anomaly detection module. By introducing modifications to the training stage of the state-of-the-art DenseHybrid model, we achieve significant performance improvements in anomaly detection. Moreover, we propose a simplified detector that achieves comparable results to our modified DenseHybrid approach, while also surpassing the performance of the original DenseHybrid model. These findings demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed strategies for enhancing anomaly detection in the context of autonomous driving.


@Article {
author = {Bikandi, Martin},
title = {Synthetic Outlier Generation for Anomaly Detection in Autonomous Driving},
pages = {7},
keywds = {
anomaly detection; outlier; semantic segmentation
abstract = {

Anomaly detection, or outlier detection, is a crucial task in various domains to identify instances that significantly deviate from established patterns or the majority of data. In the context of autonomous driving, the identification of anomalies is particularly important to prevent safety-critical incidents, as deep learning models often exhibit overconfidence in anomalous or outlier samples. In this study, we explore different strategies for training an image semantic segmentation model with an anomaly detection module. By introducing modifications to the training stage of the state-of-the-art DenseHybrid model, we achieve significant performance improvements in anomaly detection. Moreover, we propose a simplified detector that achieves comparable results to our modified DenseHybrid approach, while also surpassing the performance of the original DenseHybrid model. These findings demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed strategies for enhancing anomaly detection in the context of autonomous driving.

isbn = {979-835039946-2},
date = {2023-09-28},

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48014 Bilbao (España)

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