Using DiAML and ANVIL for multimodal dialogue annotations
author = {Harry Bunt and Michael Kipp and Volha V. Petukhova},
title = {Using DiAML and ANVIL for multimodal dialogue annotations},
pages = {1301-1308},
keywds = {
multimodal dialogue, annotation standards, annotation tools
abstract = {
This paper shows how interoperable annotations of multimodal dialogue, which apply the annotation scheme and the markup language (DiAML, Dialogue Act Markup Language) defined ISO standard 24617-2, can conveniently be obtained using the newly implemented facility in the ANVIL annotation tool to produce XML-based output directly in the DiAML format. ANVIL offers the use of multiple user-defined ‘tiers’ for annotating various kinds of information. This is shown to be convenient not only for multimodal information but also for dialogue act annotation according to ISO standard 24617-2 because of the latter’s multidimensionality: functional dialogue segments are viewed as expressing one or more dialogue acts, and every dialogue act belongs to one of a number of dimensions of communication, defined in the standard, for each of which a different ANVIL tier can conveniently be used. Annotations made in the multi-tier interface can be exported in the ISO 24617-2 format, thus supporting the creation of interoperable annotated corpora of multimodal dialogue.
isbn = {978-2-9517408-7-7},
date = {2012-05-23},
year = {2012},