Home Estructura interna Edurne Loyarte López Edurne Loyarte López Directora de Organización y Gobernanza Dra. en Economía y Dirección de Empresas eloyarte@vicomtech.org Publicaciones relacionadas Tesis Doctoral 2015-11-01 Technology Roadmapping (TRM) and Strategic Alignment for an Applied Research Centre: A Case Study with Methodological Contributions Edurne Loyarte López Jorge Posada Velásquez Seán Gaines Cooke Shabs Rajashekaran Igor García Olaizola Oihana Otaegui Madurga María Teresa Linaza Saldaña David Oyarzun Arantza del Pozo Echezarreta Gorka Marcos Ortego Julián Flórez Esnal R&D Management 2011-04-04 Handbook of Research on Communities of Practice for Organizational Management and Networking: Methodoligies for Competitive Advantage Edurne Loyarte and Olga Rivera PDF 2009-01-01 Conditions and Key Success Factors for the Management of Communities of Practice Edurne Loyarte and Olga Rivera 2007-06-01 Communities of Practice: a Model for their Cultivation Edurne Loyarte and Olga Rivera Journal of Knowledge Management 2007-05-23 ARC´s Early-Stage Growth: an Attempt to Reconcilie Entrepreneurship, Interpreneurship and Intrapreneurship Iñaki Peña and José Pernia and Edurne Loyarte 2006-07-06 Communities of Practice: a Combination of its Theory and Practice to Explain their Added Value for Organizations Edurne Loyarte and Olga Rivera 1 2 3 16.01.2006 Un Modelo de Cultivo y de Integración de Comunidades de Práctica en Organizaciones del País Vasco Edurne Loyarte López