Home Estructura interna Igor García Olaizola Igor García Olaizola Director Tecnológico Dr. Ingeniero en Automática y Electrónica Industrial iolaizola@vicomtech.org Publicaciones relacionadas Tesis Doctoral 2013-06-20 Reference Model for Hybrid Broadcast Web 3D TV Igor G. Olaizola, Josu Pérez, Mikel Zorrilla, Ángel Martín, Maider Laka PDF 2013-06-05 Cloud session maintenance to synchronise HbbTV applications and home network devices Mikel Zorrilla, Iñigo Tamayo, Ángel Martín, Igor G. Olaizola PDF 2013-02-21 DITEC: Experimental analysis of an image characterization method based on the trace transform Igor G. Olaizola, Iñigo Barandiaran, Basilio Sierra, Manuel Graña PDF 2013-01-01 A review of EO image information mining Marco Quartulli and Igor García ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing PDF 2012-11-23 HTML5-based System for Interoperable 3D Digital Home Applications Mikel Zorrilla and Ángel Martín and Jairo R. Sánchez and Iñigo Tamayo and Igor García PDF 2012-10-24 On the image content of the ESA EUSC JRC Workshop on Image Infomation Mining Marco Quartulli and Mikel Zorrilla and Igor García PDF 1 ‧‧‧ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ‧‧‧ 13 12.12.2013 A Framework for Content Based Semantic Information Extraction from Multimedia Contents Igor García Olaizola