Home Estructura interna Jorge Posada Velásquez Jorge Posada Velásquez Director Científico e Institucional Dr. Ingeniero Mecánico jposada@vicomtech.org Publicaciones relacionadas Tesis Doctoral 2020-01-18 Meta-modeling of Lattice Mechanical Responses via Design of Experiments Diego Alejandro Montoya Zapata Diego A. Acosta Camilo Andrés Cortés Acosta Juan Camilo Pareja Corcho Aitor Moreno Guerrero Jorge Posada Velásquez Oscar Ruiz 2020-01-14 Fast Spectral Formulations of Thin Plate Laser Heating with GPU Implementation Daniel Mejía Parra Ander Arbelaiz Aranzasti Aitor Moreno Guerrero Jorge Posada Velásquez Oscar Ruiz 2020-01-01 Visual computing technologies to support the Operator 4.0 Álvaro Segura Lasa Helen V. Díez Iñigo Barandiaran Martirena Ander Arbelaiz Aranzasti Hugo Álvarez Ponga Bruno Simoes Jorge Posada Velásquez Alex García-Alonso Ramón Ugarte Computers & Industrial Engineering 2019-12-01 Cross reality to enhance worker cognition in industrial assembly operations Bruno Simoes Raffaele De Amicis Iñigo Barandiaran Martirena Jorge Posada Velásquez The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 2019-12-01 Frequency-domain analytic method for efficient thermal simulation under curved trajectories laser heating Daniel Mejía Aitor Moreno Guerrero Jorge Posada Velásquez Oscar Ruiz Iñigo Barandiaran Martirena Juan Carlos Poza Raúl Chopitea Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 2019-11-30 Density-Sensitive Implicit Functions Using Sub-Voxel Sampling in Additive Manufacturing Diego Alejandro Montoya Zapata Aitor Moreno Guerrero Juan Camilo Pareja Corcho Jorge Posada Velásquez Óscar Ruiz Metals 1 ‧‧‧ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ‧‧‧ 18 09.12.2005 A Methodology for the Semantic Visualization of Industrial Plant CAD Models for Virtual Reality Walkthroughs Jorge Posada Velásquez