Home Estructura interna Aitor García Pablos Aitor García Pablos Investigador Dr. Ingeniero en Informática agarciap@vicomtech.org Publicaciones relacionadas Tesis Doctoral 2013-12-08 OpeNER demo: Open Polarity Enhanced Named Entity Recognition Aitor Garcia-Pablos, Montse Cuadros, German Rigau PDF 2012-07-17 Benefit of the integration of semantic 3D models in a fire-fighting VR simulator Aitor Moreno and Álvaro Segura and Sisi Zlatanova and Jorge Posada and Alex García-Alonso Applied Geomatics PDF 2012-07-11 Improving gestural communication in virtual characters María del Puy Carretero, Aitor Ardanza, Sara García, Helen Díez, David Oyarzun, Nuria Ruiz PDF 2012-05-24 Introducing GIS-based simulation tools to support rapid response in wildland fire fighting Aitor Moreno and Álvaro Segura and Sisi Zlatanova and Jorge Posada and Alex García-Alonso PDF 2012-05-02 A Lexicon Based Sentiment Analysis Retrieval System for Tourism Domain Aitor García and Seán Gaines and María Teresa Linaza e-Review of Tourism Research (eRTR) PDF 2009-10-14 GeoSpatial Visual Analytics Álvaro Segura and Aitor Moreno and Igor García and Naiara Aginako and Mikel Labayen and Jorge Posada and Jose Antonio Aranda and Rubén García De Andoin PDF 1 ‧‧‧ 1 2 3 4 5 6 11.07.2017 Multilingual Opinion Mining Aitor García Pablos